iupac rule造句

"iupac rule"是什么意思   


  1. I suspect some Britisher or maybe Australian made up that IUPAC rule.
  2. The IUPAC rules actually work very well for medium-sized compounds.
  3. For a simple overview see for more details see [ http : / / www2 . potsdam . edu / walkerma / inorg _ naming . pdf selected pages from IUPAC rules for naming inorganic compounds.
  4. And that the name is'original research'is not a reason to delete, when following the IUPAC rules, then you get this name, there may be more correct, then either discuss which one to use, or list more, etc . Note that this is significantly different from IUPAC name ( acetone vs . 2-propanone, etc . ).
  5. But I don't know if the IUPAC rules really require or allow that kind of precision about where a nitrogen is linked from when there's one atom, or so much detail about the three units it links to when it's just tris ( ) . . . it all seems so absurd . talk ) 08 : 46, 18 November 2013 ( UTC)
  6. It's difficult to find iupac rule in a sentence. 用iupac rule造句挺难的
  7. Very large compounds start to take on confusing and cumbersome names; while smaller compounds which were well known before their implementation retained their names because it made sense; there was already thousands of pages of literature that referred to these compounds, so it made little sense to " change their names " as such a change ( such as everyone all of a sudden starting to call acetic acid as " ethanoic acid " ) would likely lead to MORE confusion; and the IUPAC rules are all about causing LESS confusion by providing an unambiguous nomenclature system.


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